Securely share documents
Never send another email asking for an update. Track your progress automatically.
Say goodbye to paper forms, complete forms online from any device.
Easily ask questions, reply to enquiries, and chat with stakeholders in one place.
With all the people, information, and tools in one place your transaction can reach completion quickly.
Easily see what's happening and what's left on your transaction, so you can relax.
Rest easy knowing all of the data you share is safe within our highly secure environment.
Hit the secure link your conveyancer provides to access your Matter on MatterHive.
Fill out any forms, upload any documents, read documents uploaded by others, all from any device.
See every action, every step of the way. Get automatic updates for things such as tasks being completed and enquiries are raised.
Make and reply to enquiries, share documents, complete tasks, and get to completion together.
With everyone sharing, communicating, and collaborating in one place your transaction should complete in no time at all.
Multi-layered security and encryption for your protection.
Data is hosted in secure UK data centers and is monitored in real time.
Your personal data is yours, we never sell your data.
Advanced permission models mean only authorised people can view documents and enquiries.
MatterHive is an online platform to make it easier and more convenient for conveyancers and their clients to collaborate on a property transaction.
Put simply, yes. We understand the importance of trust and the role it plays in the end-to-end conveyancing process. There is nothing more important to us than data safety and privacy. We only use secure servers, the best encryption, and will never sell your data to anyone. Our advanced permissions model lets your conveyancer limit access to documents and forms to only the relevant people. Further information is available via our Privacy Policy.
Ask your conveyancer if they are using MatterHive, and simply keep an eye on your inbox for your MatterHive invitation. From there just follow the prompts to set up your account, gain access to your Matter(s), and complete the necessary tasks assigned to you. You can use MatterHive from anywhere on your laptop, mobile, or tablet!
For you MatterHive is free since your conveyancer has already paid to open your matter. All you have to do is keep an eye out for the invitation email.